Who We Are
Nam Phong Green - A team of individuals with financial – commercial – technical expertise in the agriculture, energy & industry sectors, working to provide the most reasonable solutions to our customers. In the agricultural sector, we directly invest in farms that guarantee the quality of products at reasonable prices.
Believe that a Sustainable Business is to create a Long-term Value for all stakeholders involve.
Promote harmony among individuals to ensure the achievement of 3 Goals:
Economic Optimization, Personal Development, Environmental Impact.
At Nam Phong Green - Human capital is the foundation of our success. Their determination and dedication enable us to create the best services for the best results. We invest in our people, and our people are our greatest asset.
Core Value
Endeavor to the best quality of
Initial & After-sale services
Ensure highest compliance with applicable laws & ethical standards
Full respect for the rights & interests of all stakeholders involved
1 st priority
Complete trust towards products & services